Monday, July 5, 2010

To one of the coolest dogs I ever had..and some other updates

My bulldog died a week and half ago. I still can't really digest what happened. She went in for a bloodtest and didn't leave. Her heart just stopped. She was only 3 :( The vet came out crying..didn't know what to tell us. More on that later when I can type about it without completely losing it.

For 3 days my home was dead. What do you do when you plan your day around a dog?

So since I couldnt sleep for days.. I started looking on the internet for pets to love and these two caught my eye.. meet paintbrush and patchwork. They are a bonded pair- sisters. Their brother's were adopted a couple weeks before us. They are about 14 weeks old. We adopted them from a foster home in Davis.

Our home now looks like a kitty daycare. We now have some laughter mixed with tears in our home.

I also had a photoshoot! Meet Baby Lisa

Oh and I leave for Kodiak, Alaska in T-minus 5 hours!!

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