Monday, August 9, 2010


Part of my weekend was photographing these completely opposite sisters and their parents. Such a cute family!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Updates on the kittens

Paint and Patch are such snuggle bunnies. Patch is the fact she makes her own soundtrack. She makes noise when she walks, jumps, sitting and if she doesn't like what you have to say she was sass you as she walks away. She is headstrong and goes headfirst.

Paint on the other hand is more reserved. She is a thinker. She is very sly.

Both are extremely loving and love love love to snuggle.

We recently have had some issues with Paint. She had a mass growing INTO her ear. Let's just say that this past week wasn't a good one for me between the photoshoots, showing homes, property mangement awesomeness and auntie being gone in Vegas..And then the cat surgery. oye.
Paint home after surgery. Her head is still a bit wonky and her balance is still a bit off.

Patch waiting for her sis to come home!

Patch on the desk

I recently bought a new camera (shopping therapy while paint was in surgery lol). Patch wanted to be all up in my business....

My snugglebear.

Had a family photoshoot today and showed more property. Wrote some offers. Buuuuusy weekend.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Young love!

They are getting married in September. So excited!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

i love my job, i love my job

It's been a long 5 1/2 months but my clients finally closed on their first home!!!