This week has been one of the most emotional in my life.
i have a long post to write about it but short story is my mortgage career is over. I am switching sides to the real estate side and hanging my license as an agent. Im just a huge ball of emotions right now over why. The big loan company we were under decided i wasnt closing deals to their liking- as in if you dont close so many loans within an allotted time..120 days -then they let you go. In an automated email :( i was crushed, my branch i was under was crushed. we had no idea they had this policy when we decided to be apart of them. And with the market being so busy no one is going to hire a newbie loan officer who still needs traning.
And the kicker- most of my clients are going into contract next week again. I say again because some have already been in contract but fell out because of random reasons like sellers backing out etc.
I am in Moab right now and am loving it. it has been a great ending to what was a rollercoaster of a week.
i am taking pictures of the sunrise over the canyons tomorrow and hiking to the arches then flying home sunday.
i am up right now because i have so much going on in my head..and thats a good thing. i have so many ideas for what lies ahead.